Liam's Arrival
Since Liam had decided that he was not going to come on his own, Dr. Wells decided that it was time to induce. So, Wednesday, April 27th, we checked in to Plano Presby to spend the night. He started the prepidil and told us to get some rest over night.
The next morning it was time to induce. We were excited and surprisingly not nervous at all. I was ready to meet this sweet baby I had been carrying for 9 1/2 months!We started the pitocin that morning around 9:00. I wanted to "experience" some of the labor before getting an epidural. I waited a couple hours then decided I have experienced labor enough :) Once I had the epidural, I was in heaven! I felt great! I was progressing quickl and my nurse told me she thought we would have him by 3:30. They start counting it as "labor" when you hit 4 cm I believe. Well, I delivered Liam at 2:45. So, I was in technical labor for only 4 hours!
We were so happy to meet our baby boy and are in-love with him in every way. He is precious and we cannot imagine life without him. Here are some pictures of him after delivery and in the hospital!
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