We think he is going to be an early walked because by the end of his eighth month he is crawling very fast, pulling up on anything and EVERYTHING, cruises along furniture, and he is standing unassisted for a good 20-30 seconds. When we hold his hands, he will walk. Dr. Pam told me at his 9 month well check that he knows how to walk...but just doesn't know it yet. But, who knows! While the next step is always exciting, I would like him to stick with crawling for a bit longer. I know the falls get much harder when they are walking! We are still working on waving bye bye, but he can give you a slobbery kiss on demand and also has mastered the high five.
He is getting taller and is now in the 75th percentile on height. He has dropped to the 25th-30th percentile on weight, but she said that is just due to his increased activity. He still has a huge head though!
He drinks about 25-30 oz of breast milk everyday. He eats some pureed solids, but he is pretty much over the runny stuff and prefers finger foods now. He seems to be independent and likes to feed himself. He loves cheese, chicken, and peas. Anything I will let him pick up and eat, he pretty much likes. But, he specifically wants whatever is on my plate. So, I can trick him into eating veggies and quinoa :)
He got is tongue tie clipped at 8 1/2 months and is now babbling away! He LOVES to swing outside and will do it for hours no matter what the weather. He just relaxes and swings away. He also loves his daddy! Every evening when Brad gets home and says his name, Liam turns around with a huge smile and crawls straight to him while squealing little sqeaks the whole way to him. It is so cute how much excitement he shows when he gets home now. I know Brad really likes that since he only sees him in the morning and at bedtime.
We are having a blast with the little guy and look forward to the coming months! We are so blessed to have him and we are so thankful the Lord has chosen us to raise this little guy!